I’ve finally got some photos of the Triangle Boudoir studio space for y’all 🙂
If you’ve been following me on social media, you know that in January 2023 I opened a studio space dedicated to boudoir photography. I’d photographed quite a few boudoir sessions and launched Triangle Boudoir by Kivus and Camera a couple years ago. My friend Nina from Wedded Kiss knew I wanted to eventually have a studio space so I could photograph more sessions. When a room in the building she rents became available, she asked if I was interested. I went to check out the light and dimensions, started working out a budget for what I’d need to set up the space, and told Nina yes!
I had my first gorgeous badass in the Triangle Boudoir studio on January 15, and here we are almost 5 months later. I’ve had nearly 2 dozen women in the studio since I opened and am so happy to help them connect with their hearts and bodies. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you in the space as well, dear reader.
“Though she be but little, she is fierce!” – Helena in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, about the Triangle Boudoir studio, obviously
In addition to the satin charcoal sheet set pictured, I’ve got white, black, and red available. I’ll continue to add more colors (and maybe some patterns), so if there’s a vibe you really want to see, let me know! The wall color is a dark blue with green undertones, and photographs beautifully in all different kinds of light.
Also, all of the furniture is light enough to move around, so in some of the session photos below, you’ll see things in different locations!
This little backdrop helps prove you are a work of art, and the bench is perfect for posing as well.
Let’s see some of the gorgeous badasses who’ve graced the space:
*Wrestling announcer voice* In the other corner, we have the purple velvet couch, weighing in at… about 40lbs I think? The floral tapestry above it is definitely a crowd-pleaser, but I’ve also got a sunrise tapestry.
You’re gonna look incredible, so go ahead, check yourself out!!!
What do you think? Are you going to come dance around in your underwear in the Triangle Boudoir studio? It’s so much fun!!!
Triangle Boudoir by Kivus & Camera is a boudoir studio based in Raleigh, NC with a mission to help women and non-binary folx see and love themselves as the gorgeous badasses they are. Trans women are women.
Click here to check out the Triangle Boudoir website and book your session!